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How To Relieve Itchy Pubic Hair

How To Relieve Itchy Pubic Hair

Picture this, you're getting ready for a nice date and running through your usual shower pamper routine. You wash your hair, cleanse your skin, and shave your pubic hair. You are just about ready to leave when all of the sudden you feel an itch in on your bikini line. Itchy pubic hair is the perfect way to ruin any occasion and fast. 

Itchy Pubic Hair Blog Post Heading - Cartoon Image with Introduction

Having itchy pubic hair may seem oddly specific, but it is all too common of a concern. The pubic area is among the most vulnerable parts of the body for feeling itchy and irritated. Think ingrown hairs, razor burn and even post waxing irritation. The extra sensitive skin coupled with thick, wiry hair makes the pubic area prone to noticeable discomfort and itch during regrowth. 

This blog is for anyone dealing with this frustrating yet very common skin concern. Keep on reading if you would like to learn about:

    1. Why you get itchy pubic hair
    2. The routine to relieve itchy pubic hair
    3. How to avoid itchy pubic hair
    4. Shaving tips to minimize irritation
Get rid of itchy pubic hair with Bushbalm

Why do we get itchy pubic hair? And How to stop it? 

There are multiple reasons as to why one could experience itchy pubic hair. The causes could range from eczema to razor bumps to simply dry skin to getting waxed. Below, I will walk you through some of the most common reasons that you are experiencing itchy pubic hair.

5 Ways to Relieve itchy pubic hair with oils before and after image examples with clear images

The Skincare Routine to Relieve Itchy Pubic Hair 

The best way to avoid itchy pubic hair is to maintain smooth skin and soften the hair, especially when the hair is growing back. Soft skin and hair prevents razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and dryness (each common causes of itchy pubic hair). There are 2 simple steps that you can introduce into your skincare routine to ensure that you prevent itch when pubic hair is growing back. The first step is to exfoliate and the second step is to hydrate your pubic region. 

Before & After Photos 

Before and after using the routine to relieve itchy pubic hair


Step #1 Exfoliate with a natural scrub 

Exfoliating the skin and hair is like pressing the reset button on your skin. Use a pubic scrubs to sweep away dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria from the surface of the skin to reveal a fresh, healthy, and supple layer of new skin. Some studies show that consistent body exfoliation can slow down the aging process by boosting collagen production throughout the entire body (if you're interested you can learn more here).

When it comes to the bikini area, exfoliation provides even more benefits! Using a hydrating exfoliant will soften the skin while simultaneously unclogging the pores - two birds, one stone.

Our Bushbalm exfoliating sugar scrubs will give your skin an irresistibly smooth look and feel. Each scrub is packed with star ingredients like Jojoba Oil and Copaiba Oil which coat the skin to create a hydrating protective barrier to external agents. 

Best scrub to treat itchy pubic hair regrowth

Step #2 Apply A Pubic Hair Oil 

As noted by dermatologist Marc Glashofer, the role of pubic hair is to prevent “friction during intercourse that can cause skin abrasion and rashes”.  As such, the texture of pubic hair tends to be thicker and coarse to maximize protection. Pubic skin and hair must be soothed and softened after hair removal to ensure that the hair grows back seamlessly - without creating an unbearable itch. 

Using a treatment oil is a great way to get this job done. At Bushbalm, we offer a variety of treatment oils that soothe the skin and hair while targeting other skin concerns such as dark spots, dullness etc. Bushbalm treatment oils are infused with nourishing oils designed to soften the hair follicle. Each oil also works to kill bacteria after hair removal to ensure that regrowth is smooth and itch-free.

According to Refinery29, "If you're looking to target ingrowns, razor burns, and hyperpigmentation, don't pile on these products at once. Like the face, the bikini is a sensitive area and needs time to adjust to active ingredients. Kerr recommends starting with the Nude Oil and once the irritation has calmed, try switching over to Bermuda Oil to target the hyperpigmentation." 

According to dermatologists, within 2 minutes of stepping out of the shower is the optimal time to apply any moisturizers to the skin because the skin is most absorbent at this time. For the best results, continue to apply your soothing treatment to the pubic area daily.

routine to relieve itchy pubic hair with natural oils

Additional Tips To Relieve Itchy Pubic Hair


1. Moisturize your skin right after the shower

The skin is most absorbent within 2 minutes of stepping out of the shower so take advantage of this window!  Using ultra-hydrating creams and oils while the skin is still slightly damp can help lock in moisture. This will soothe the skin and get rid of the itchy and tight feeling you would otherwise experience. 

2. Shower in luke warm/cold water

Cold water boosts blood circulation. The blood carries the necessary nutrients and oxygen needed by the body to function normally. It follows that when one showers using cold water (even luke warm water), the blood flows more effectively and in turn will completely nourish your skin cells and maintain hydration in the skin.

3. Limit the amount of time you spend in the shower

Showering less frequently/for less time can preserve your natural protective oils that keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Many dermatologists recommend showering at least every other day or 2-3 times a week. If you’re one to workout or do things in your day that require a shower try to keep your showers as short as possible (we recommend showering for 3-6 minutes).

Related Skin Conditions to Itchy Pubic Hair

Itching can have many causes that aren't directly considered medical. For instance; razor burn, ingrown hairs, regrowth and dryness. 

Razor Bumps 

An itch, also known as pruritus, is an important sensory and self-protective mechanism. It is your body’s way of telling you that your skin has been exposed to harmful external agents and needs help. Getting an itch down there could be a sign of razor bumps. Razor bumps are the result of an unpleasant interaction between the razor blade, body hair, and skin. The symptoms of razor bumps include redness, discomfort, burning, and stinging. In other words, razor bumps irritate the skin considerably. When the skin is very irritated, it will start to itch. 

Steps to Avoid Razor Bumps 

Fortunately there are many simple steps you can take to avoid razor bumps. 

  1. Shaving with the grain
  2. Using a sharp razor
  3. Switching out your razor regularly
  4. Soaking your skin in warm water for 5-10 minutes before shaving
  5. Using a moisturizing agent when shaving; 6) use short, light strokes to minimize tugging
  6. Switching to a trimmer. 

Click here to learn about shaving techniques to avoid razor bumps.

Infographic on techniques to relieve itchy pubic hair with 4 points. Soften the skin, shave with a sharp razor, always exfoliate and soothe with a pubic hair oil

Ingrown Hairs 

Ingrown hairs occur when the hair follicle that is trying to grow back gets trapped under the skin. The hair curls back into the skin and is often accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms such as redness, itching and even acne-like bumps. Ingrown hairs can cause significant irritation to the skin and become quite itchy.

On the bright side, ingrown hairs are treatable and avoidable! The key to successfully preventing ingrown hairs is to be familiar with the causes.

Ingrown Hair Common Causes 

  1. Improper hair removal (like dry shaving, shaving too often or shaving too close to the skin)
  2. Clogged pores
  3. Using comedogenic products (meaning they clog the pores) on skin too soon after hair removal
  4. Hair texture
  5. Tight clothing

Refraining from wearing tight clothing after hair removal is the easiest cause to avoid. Tight clothing, especially tight undies, right after hair removal can increase the risk of ingrown hairs and itchy irritation. If the fabric lies too close to the skin it will trap the hair that is beginning to grow back and force them to grow sideways. 

Click here to learn about the causes and avoid ingrown hairs. 

Razor burn & ingrown hair treatments to prevent itchy pubic hair with a close up image of the oils in someones hands


As previously mentioned, the pubic hair is typically thicker than the body hair around the rest of the body. Upon hair removal, the thick, wiry and curly characteristics of pubic hair can irritate as it begins to grow back. The skin will respond by itching. To avoid this uncomfortable itch, you can use a soothing treatment oil to soften the skin and hair.

Bushbalm carries three treatment oils that you can choose from based on other skin concerns you may have. The Bermuda Oil is designed to target and treat dark spots and hyperpigmentation. The Sweet Escape Oil is an ultra hydrating treatment geared towards replenishing dull skin. The Nude Oil is infused with anti-bacterial ingredients that will treat ingrown hairs and razor bumps. Each oil will soften the skin and hair to ensure a seamless, painless, and itch-less regrowth.

Pubic Region Dryness 

Dry skin is a common cause of itchy pubic hair. When the skin is dry it will tighten and begin to itch. Let's get into some common factors that contribute to pubic skin dryness:

Harsh cleansers

Harsh cleansers tend to strip the skin of its natural oils. The skin produces natural oils to stay hydrated and comfortably moisturized. When these oils are stripped away, the skin will tighten and become very uncomfortable, dry and itchy.

Ingredients that tend to have this adverse effect include:

  1. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS
  2. Propylene Glycol
  3. Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  4. Alcohol.  

Click here to learn more about ingredients to avoid in your skincare products.

Hot Water

Avoid overly hot showers and/or baths. Hot showers dissolve your natural oils and sucks the moisture out of the top layer, leaving the skin dry, dehydrated and itchy. In addition, hot water spikes the body's inflammatory response by boosting mast cell levels. Mast cells are responsible for the swelling and itching one may experience after a mosquito bite; indeed they release histamine. When the body over heats in the shower, mast cells levels spike which leads to increased histamine and inevitable itching.

Showering Too Frequently 

Too many showers per week worsen dryness and skin irritation. Just as showering removes dirt and bacteria from the skin it also removes healthy oil and bacteria. Bathing too often strips your skin and leaves it vulnerable to dryness and cracking. 

Use a pH balanced body wash on your private parts to prevent irritation and itchy pubic hair. This image showcases an option as a body wash and private parts

Irritation from a Shaving Cream or Gel

I know that everyone says the worst thing you can do when shaving down there is to dry shave. But beware that there are shaving creams and gels that can create an itchy sensation and uncomfortable irritation similar to dry shaving. Try to stay away from shaving products with artificial scents and harsh chemicals (like alcohol). These properties can seriously irritate the skin and contribute to itchiness. We recommend making a habit of checking out the ingredient list of a product before putting it on your skin. 

Amazing ingredients to look for in your skincare products are:

  1. Jojoba oil (simmondsia chinensis seed oil)
  2. Tea tree oil (melaleuca alternifolia)
  3. Copaiba balsam essential oil (copaifera spp)
  4. Grapeseed oil (vitis vinifera seed oil) 

Click here to learn about the ideal ingredients to incorporate in your skincare routine and why.

A few of a full product line focused on stopping itchy pubic hair

Is Jojoba Oil Good for Ingrown Hairs and Itchy Pubic Hair?

Although Jojoba Oil is not specifically designed to combat ingrown hairs and pubic itch, it is an exceptionally nourishing ingredient. Jojoba can be a star ingredient for softened the skin and hair during pubic hair regrowth. 

Jojoba oil is a star ingredient in all Bushbalm products. This ingredient is known for its soothing properties and calming sensation that temporarily relieves irritation and discomfort - especially dryness. Jojoba oil comes in the form of a wax that coats the top layer of the skin to retain the moisture and prevent the skin from drying out.  Investing in products that are designed to moisturize and nourish the skin is key to preventing that itchy and irritating feeling after the shower. Click here to learn more about why Jojoba Oil is one of Bushbalm's star ingredients!


Hair Removal Advice

How to stop itching when pubic hair grows back after waxing 

It is quite common for pubic hair to grow back with a vengeance after waxing. By vengeance I of course mean an uncomfortable itch. The best way to stop itchy pubic hair is to create a prep and aftercare routine for waxing. 

Much like shaving, a solid prep routine for waxing is to exfoliate beforehand. We recommend gently exfoliating a day or two before waxing. Exfoliation removes all the dead skin cells and unclogs the hair follicle which allows the wax to attach to the hair and not the skin. We would advise against exfoliating the day of your wax. This could leave the fresh new layer of skin more sensitive and vulnerable.

After your wax we recommend sticking to a daily routine of moisturizing with Bushbalm pubic oils. These oils will soften the skin and hair, so you get less pubic itch when the hairs start to grow back.

During your wax, it is worthwhile to ask questions about post-care and professional tips to ensure an itch-free post-wax experience. A pro tip that I have learned is to wait at least 24 hours before engaging in intercourse or going to the gym. If you can wait 48 hours that is ideal!

Tips for Shaving Your Pubic Hair 

At a young age we are not taught proper techniques for shaving our pubic hair, which leads to common mistakes. Most of these mistakes are very avoidable. Below are a few options, which will lead to a better shave, less irritation and less itch as the hair grows back. 

"Shaving your pubic hair is not taught in school. This is something many of us struggle with, but some basic tips will go a long way." - David Gaylord | CEO Bushbalm™ 

Shave with warm water on your pubic region

Whether you are in the bath or shower, it is important to give your skin 5-10 minutes to soak in warm water before shaving. Warm water helps to open up the pores and make the hair softer. Soaking the pubic skin in warm water will make the shaving process much easier and less abrasive on the skin. 

Note: do not wait too long - otherwise the skin will wrinkle and make it harder to get a close shave. It is best to stick to the 5-10 minute window. 

Using a pubic hair trimmer to help prevent itchy pubic hair and irritation

Shave with the grain

Move the razor in the same direction that your hair grows. This will guarantee a more comfortable shave. Shaving with the grain minimizes tugging on the skin and hair. Whereas shaving against the grain increases the risk of irritation, nicks, cuts, and razor bumps.

To successfully shave with the grain you should start by mapping out your stubble and determine the direction of growth. Run your fingers over your hair to determine the direction your hair is growing. This may seem obvious but just in case here’s the rule of thumb: if it feels smooth and soft then you’re moving with the grain - if it feels prickly you’re moving against the direction of growth. It is also possible that the hair grows in different directions. To help this you can use a trimmer to comb all the hair in the same direction and get them all down to an equal length. 

How to shave against the grain (if you insist)

Admittedly, shaving with the grain will not give you as close of a shave. So, if you insist on shaving against the grain here is what to do: on the first pass only shave in the direction your hair grows (downwards). After this step, shaving against the direction of growth is much more safe. Reapply your moisturizing agent and shave  against the grain.

Note: If you have sensitive skin we recommend only shaving with the grain.

Use a moisturizing agent for your pubic region

The key to a great shave is moisture. Always shave with the proper moisturizing agents. Using a moisturizing agent like shaving cream or even hair conditioner will provide the much needed lubrication to make the shaving process smoother.

Shaving on dry skin will cause major skin irritation including razor bumps and ingrown hairs. When the skin lacks moisture, it can become rough. Dragging a razor on an already rough surface can aggravate the skin and increase the risk of razor bumps, ingrowns and itchiness. 

Use short and light shaving strokes 

Using short and light strokes with your razor will ensure that the skin is not overly tugged during the hair removal process. With long strokes, we tend to apply more pressure on the razor. This extra weight is enough to irritate, nic, and scrape the skin causing razor rash. It's best to stick to short and light strokes. 

Shave your pubic region with a sharp razor 

Your razor should be fresh and sharp. A worn blade is likely to be much less efficient because it requires more passes over the same area to remove the unwanted hair. Any dullness or rust on your razor blade will lead to a weaker cut. This can irritate the skin and cause micro-abrasions (little cuts) on the skin which could lead to infection. Also, old razors track bacteria. This debris could seep into the freshly opened hair follicles and leave an itchy razor rash in the most delicate areas. 

On the other hand, a sharp blade will remove as much hair as possible with as little strokes as possible. We recommend replacing your blade at least every ten shaves. 

Stick to trimming

For a final technique, you can groom your body hair and avoid the risk of razor burn altogether by trimming. The blade of a trimmer does not reach the surface of the skin. As such, there is no risk of the blade tugging or pulling on the skin while it cuts the hair down. You can learn more about trimming your pubic hair on our blog. 

Reviews of top products that relieve itchy pubic hair

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