Finally — the routine to treat razor burn on your pubic area!
If you are experiencing razor burn on your pubic area, you are not alone. In fact, you would actually be surprised how many others get razor burn on their pubic area and bikini line. Fortunately, we have a great routine to help combat the frustrations of razor burn!
We call our routine for razor burn the 'skincare everywhere' routine! It's a fool-proof regimen thats proven to effectively soothe razor burn. At the end of this article we showcase before and after photos of clients who've experienced razor burn on their bikini line.
What is razor burn? Why do I get it on my pubic are?
Before we get into the routine let's talk more about razor burn. Shaving is a convenient and easy way to get rid of unwanted hair, but razor burn is a common side effect. Razor burn is the result of an unpleasant interaction between the razor blade, body hair, and skin. When you get razor burn you'll notice redness, irritation, discomfort, and stinging.
Examples of razor burn
Shaving imposes a constant stress on the skin. There is something called the lipid barrier layer, which keeps moisture in the tissues and controls the entry of external chemicals into the deeper layers of the skin. When shaving you can compromise this layer, which results in dehydrated skin and often razor burn.
"frequent friction causes dark spots and ingrown hairs. You may notice where your skin touches (i.e. the thighs, underarms etc.) there are dark areas and hyperpigmentation - that is from friction." - Dr. Arumala
5 steps to treat razor burn on your pubic area
When we think of skincare routines we often ignore the pubic region. According to our annual customer survey more than *50% of respondents suffer from razor burn. These 5 steps will take you through the recommended routine for your bikini line, underarms and pubic region!
Step by Step
- Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells
- Soften the skin and hair
- Trim the hair
- Shave with a sharp razor
- Soothe and treat the skin after shaving

1. Use a dry brush to exfoliate your bikini line and full body
Before showering, gently buff your skin with our Dry Brush, as this is a powerful way to exfoliate and detoxify your skin. Dry brushing will improve blood circulation, smooth out the appearance of cellulite, increase the skin's ability to take on moisturizers and of course exfoliate the skin.
According to board certified gynecologist, Dr. Arumala, “dry brushing opens up the pores so the skin can fully ingest whatever you are treating your skin with. The dry brush can be used in conjunction with treatment oils, body washes, exfoliating scrubs and body moisturizers, to make your products more effective.”
To get best results, use a dry brush 2-3 times a week.
2. Exfoliate your pubic region with a sugar based scrub
An exfoliating scrub will soften the skin and hair as much as possible before hair removal. This will allow the razor to glide over the skin with ease resulting in fewer symptoms of razor burn.
It's recommended to use a sugar and oil based scrub, as this will exfoliate the skin and provide additional nourishment to your pubic region. If the skin is dry while shaving, then the razor blade will not glide smoothly. Instead, it will tug on the hair and skin which can create micro-abrasions (mini cuts) leading to razor burn.
Similar to if you fall off a bike and skid your knee, you may experience a skid-like rash or "razor burn" hours after your shave.
"By exfoliating my pubic area I've seen dramatic changes to my skin. My razor burn has been almost inexistent!" - Bushbalm Customer
Furthermore, sugar scrubs prevent razor burn by removing the dirt, oil and dead skin cells that may clog your pores. If the pore is clogged, the growing hair strand will not be able to break past the skin's surface and instead will become trapped, often leading to more ingrown hair and razor burn.
This is a critical step in preventing razor burn. We recommend using an exfoliating body scrub that contains Jojoba Oil and/or Copaiba Oil.
3. Trim your pubic region to 4mm to prepare for shaving
The final step before going in with a razor should be trimming your pubic region. A common mistake is trying to shave your pubic hair when it is far too long. This leads to frustration and razor burn.
It seems like obvious logic, but it's often forgotten. For trimming your pubic hair we recommend trimming to 4mm, as this is an optimal height for clean cuts. We recommend finding a pubic hair trimmer with guards to the optimal length.
4. Shave your pubic area with a sharp razor
Everyone has their own technique and preference when it comes to shaving, but we recommend always making sure you use a moisturizing agent, a razor with a sharp blade and always shave with the grain. These steps will decrease the possibility of razor burn.
5. Treat the razor burn with a razor burn treatment or ingrown hair oil
It's not always possible to prevent razor burn, so you often need to use a treatment product or soothing oil. After shaving your skin can be sensitive, so we recommend using a gentle razor burn or ingrown hair oil.
Products such as exfoliants, razor blades and waxing strips can strip the skin of its natural oils, which is why a soothing oil is recommended. This is why it’s so important to keep your skin moisturized. When the skin is moisturized, it is more intact and better able to defend against foreign agents
Benefits of a Razor Burn and Ingrown Hair Oil
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-viral
- anti-bacterial
- anti-fungal
Shaving your pubic hair likely isn't a daily routine. Regardless of this we recommend using your soothing oil on a daily basis to soften the skin and hair.
Tips to prevent razor burn when shaving your pubic area
- Never shave dry
- Use a sharp razor
- Shave with the grain
1. Never shave dry and always use a moisturizing shaving cream or oil
Shaving on dry skin will cause major skin irritation, including razor burn and ingrown hairs. When the skin lacks moisture, it can become rough. Dragging a razor on a rough surface will aggravate the skin. Using a moisturizing agent (whether it's shaving cream or even conditioner) will allow the razor to glide effortlessly on the skin and minimize tugging.
2. Always use a sharp razor blade when shaving
Your razor should be fresh and sharp. A sharp blade will remove as much hair as possible with minimal strokes. Otherwise, when a razor is dull, it takes more strokes over the same area to remove the unwanted hair. This will irritate the skin and cause micro-abrasions (little cuts) on the surface. It's best to avoid this by replacing your blade every ten shaves.
3. Shave your pubic hair with the grain
Move the razor in the same direction that your hair grows to prevent razor burn. Shaving with the grain will minimize tugging and ensure a seamless interaction between blade and skin. Shaving against the grain increases the risk of irritation and cuts. Typically when you shave against the grain you will experience razor burn or itchy pubic hair.
Other Causes of Razor Burn on Your Pubic Area
Shaving your pubic area with a dull razor
When your razor is dull, it takes more strokes to remove your unwanted hair. The 3-4 extra strokes irritate the skin substantially by causing micro-abrasions on the surface. Micro-abrasions are wounds to the top layer of skin that occur when the skin is rubbed aggressively. The abrasions leave the skin vulnerable to infection and irritation - causing the dreaded itchy razor bumps to appear in the most delicate places. Make sure to maintain a sharp razor blade. We recommend switching out your razor blade at least every ten shaves.
Lack of proper cleaning on your pubic area
Throughout the day, dirt and oil accumulate on the surface of our skin. If you remove hair without properly cleaning the area beforehand, you run the risk of infecting the freshly opened hair follicles. This debris, for a lack of better words, can seep into your skin causing a red, angry razor burn.
Dry shaving your pubic area
Dry shaving is something you should never do! When the skin lacks moisture, it can become rough and bumpy. Dragging a razor on an already rough surface can aggravate the skin and lead to uncomfortable razor burn.
Wearing tight clothing
Wearing tight clothing, especially tight underwear, after hair removal can cause ingrown hairs and razor burn. If too close to the skin, the fabric will trap the hair that is beginning to grow back and force them to grow sideways, leading to irritation.
According to Sarah Welsh, a gynecologist, body hair is a “natural anti-chafe mechanism” that acts as a buffer to protect the skin. When we remove body hair by shaving, the skin loses its protective layer. The skin becomes vulnerable to chafing. Chafing is when the skin becomes raw and irritated from being rubbed by skin, clothing, or other materials. The raw, irritated, and inflamed hair follicles will cause an angry razor rash to appear.
We spoke with a board-certified gynecologist, Dr. Arumala, to understand the effects of wearing tight clothing immediately after hair removal. According to Dr. Arumala, "frequent friction causes dark spots and ingrown hairs. You may notice where your skin touches (i.e. the thighs, underarms etc.) there are dark areas and hyperpigmentation - that is from friction." All in all, it is best to avoid tight clothing after shaving.
We recommend using either: 1) 100% cotton underwear; and or 2) less tight undies. 100% cotton undies are a good alternative to use after hair removal as this material does not bother the skin as much. In addition, looser underwear will minimize friction and irritation.
3 Skincare Products for Razor Burn on Your Pubic Area
Bermuda Dark Spot Oil
The Bermuda Dark Spot Oil is a 100% natural and vegan skincare product that naturally reduces the look of hyperpigmentation, dark spots and razor burn found anywhere on the body. The Bermuda formula is designed to gently break down melanin that is built up in the skin and even out the skin tone over time.
Nude Ingrown Hair and Razor Burn Oil
The Nude Ingrown Hair & Razor Burn Oil is designed to eradicate ingrown hairs and treat razor burn. This razor burn oil is virtually scentless and is meant to restore your skin’s natural moisture. If you prefer a clean scent, we'd recommend this option. This product will treat your razor bumps and burn without a lingering scent.
Sweet Escape Ingrown Hair and Razor Burn Oil
Sweet Escape Ingrown Hair and Razor Burn Oil will target ingrown hairs and treat razor burn. Sweet Escape Ingrown Hair and Razor Burn Oil is ultra-hydrating and has a soft and sweet aroma of tangerine and vanilla, similar to a creamsicle.
We recommend the Sweet Escape Collection if you are looking for a yummy scent and ultra-hydrating products.
At the end of the day, you can put a number of amazing products on your skin but without consistency, you won't see the results you're hoping for. Consistency is the key for treating and preventing razor burn. At Bushbalm we specialize in products designed for the pubic region and bikini line. Below you'll find razor burn before and after photos and the results of using this razor burn routine.
Pubic Area Razor Burn Before & After Photos